can BOX-o-HAY help
    Scientist around the globe have been tring to come up with the anwser to these age old problems. Twenty years ago, a goup of scientist, called the "STUPID-o"  came to the desert secretly to study these age old problems. For fifteen years they found nothing, and they quet. They where leaving the desert when they notice they had a box, and they had a pile of hay(?). they put the two togther and found the extrordinary power of BOX-o-HAY

     Don't settle for the other brand. Only the brand BOX-o-HAY has finenest card board boxes and the finest hay. The other brand will have cheap boxes, filled withe cheap hay. So what if there's is cheaper and ours cost $99.99. we are the leading manufacture in boxes filled with hay. We are BOX-o-HAY.


      Go to you nearest Office Depot
